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This is an Online Platform for students, parents (incumbent and aspiring), and other stakeholders to access various Educational Resources, Grades, Announcements, and Communication Tools. The School Portal offers significant features and functionality which include but not limited to:
Weekly Report: This allows students and parents to view Grades, Classworks, Assignments, and Projects on weekly basis.
Progress Report: This presents students' results at intervals, e.g. Midterm Break, Streaming, Open Day, etc.
Termly Report: This presents students’ performances at the end of each Term.
Broadsheet & Analytics: Analyses students’ Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for follow-up.
Controlled Mailing System: It is a messaging system for communication among the students, parents, teachers, and Administrators.
New Application: This is for prospective students (new students) seeking admission into LGHS - it affords them the opportunity of doing their Online Application on the School Portal.
Below is a video tutorial on how to use the Louisville Edu-Portal -